Collaborative Community Art Project

The TFS art department is launching an all-school art collaboration inspired by the work of Albuquerque artist Lea Anderson. Anderson creates installations that consist of many small pieces of art assembled to create one larger piece. Her work is inspired by patterns, shapes and colors of the natural world, and she often looks at microscopic organisms and cell systems for inspiration.
The piece pictured is the first phase of our collaboration. Over half of our 5th - 8th grade students participated, led by Middle School art teacher Julia Sapir, with each student making one or more small oil pastel drawing, which were then assembled in a wave-like shape down the Math/Science building hallway. There are two more bulletin boards to fill!
Susan Brodie's Upper School art students will be creating three-dimensional objects in the upcoming weeks, and we welcome all students, faculty, and parents to find ways to contribute small works as well. For more information about how you can get involved in this art collaboration, please contact Susan or Julia and check out this informational slideshow: TFS Community Art Project.