This Week at Tandem

It was an exciting week at Tandem Friends on many levels. We played five Middle School games and three Upper School games, hosting many of them. Our Upper School students embarked on Experience Week adventures in many directions. 9th graders spent a day in DC, then headed to a 4H camp in Appomattox. 10th graders spent their days in Washington, DC at museums and with Friends Council on National Legislation, staying at a nearby camp. 11th graders trekked to Tsali National Park in North Carolina for outdoor adventure and a dip into Native American history there. Our seniors spent a productive week working on college applications, essays and senior project startup, then ended the week with a campus campout and Senior Sunrise. Read more about Experience Week activities by grade below. Our Middle Schoolers felt a bit more empowered all week as they enjoyed being the only students on campus. 5th graders shared in a fun lunch with the seniors during which they gave each other advice (click here or read more below to check out the advice shared). Tired but happy Upper Schoolers are returning to campus this afternoon with many tales to tell.

Check out photos from this week by clicking on the headline above or by clicking on the slideshow link below.