
Art, drama, and music provide the opportunity for students to develop skills needed for alternative channels of self-expression. All students are encouraged to develop and explore their unique potential in the creative arts. As Seonaid Robertson so aptly puts it, “The purpose of art education is to nurture that side of us that is non-material, non-physical, a spiritual activity embodied and embedded in the human self, separate from but contained within it.”

Arts Education here promotes creative exploration and observation of the world, self-expression and discipline, community building and the essential skills needed by an artist, whether one is a visual artist, theatre artist, or musician. In all arts courses, emphasis is placed on developing and furthering each individual artist, even within the context of group endeavors.

Arts programs encourage students to ask questions and think outside of the box, create visions and follow them, discover and commit to their passions (while challenging themselves to go beyond their comfort zone), and use their imaginations and senses to make connections to the world.

Tandem Friends is grounded in the belief that this approach fosters confidence and deep self-expression and encourages students to use their art to make a difference in their community and beyond.

Recent Upper School arts electives include: Guitar, Rock and Jazz Ensemble, SMixed Media, Painting, Ceramics, Photography, Art History, Publications/Yearbook, Improvisational Theater, and Playwriting. Upper School drama productions take place after school as an extracurricular activity and include a musical, a one-act play festival, and a comedy or drama.